Hambatan Guru Wanita Menjadi Kepala Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta

Nurul Ulfatin


This research focuses on the problem of the appointment of female teacher to become the school principal at private religious elementary school (MIS), and its causes. This is a qualitative research, with a multi-site design in six MIS's in the district of Bululawang, Malang Regency. The data were collected through in depth interview, observation, and documentary study. The researcher acted as the key instrument. By using qualitative analysis it was found substantially that the appointment process of a principal is fully the right of the school foundation, so that the procedure and requirement are determined by the foundation. Personal preference and subjective perception based on socioculture of the society, which are crystallized in the framework of thinking of the foundation leaders, produced handicaps for female teachers to become the principal of MIS. It is suggested that the foundation formulate written rules concerning the appointment of a principal.