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Author Guidelines

1. General

● An article written for Teknologi dan Kejuruan: Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya/Technology and Vocational: Journal of Technology, Vocational, and Learning covers the results of research and conceptual thinking in the fields of technology, vocational, and learning. Written in Indonesian or English to the format of the essay two columns. Typed manuscript with MS Word font Times New Roman, size 12 pts , with spaces At least 12 pts ( single ), printed two columns secuali title and abstract on A4 paper. Distance between columns 8 mm, 25 mm top margin, bottom 20 mm, left 35 mm, and 25 mm right, as much as 10-15 page. The article is sent in the Journal website: If you have problem to submite your paper you can contact journal administrator via E-mail address: Article published does not cost you anything (for free) .  

● Name the author of the article are listed without an academic degree, drafted down, and placed under the heading of the article. If a work / study group, the member name must be included. The name at the top is the lead author . Description author deals with the majors, faculty, college, and address be given in footnotes. Other information considered important as the type and years of research can also be written in the footnotes.

2. Articles Results

● Systematic research article is the title, author name, abstract and keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions and recommendations, and a list of references.

● Abstract  for  texts  in  languages Indonesia, written in Indonesian and English with the font Times New Roman, size 11 pt , single-spaced, and one column. For texts in English, the abstract does not need to be translated into the language of Indonesia. The abstract should consist of the title, a summary of the background of the problem, research objectives, methods, and research results. The abstract should not include references, and number of words each abstract ± 125 words.

● Keywords are terms that represent ideas or basic concepts related to the realm of the problems studied.

● The introduction did not use the title ( heading ). Presentation section pen-dahuluan done in the narrative, and unnecessary separation from one another kesubbagian subsections. Separation is done only by the turn of the paragraph. Contents include the preliminary background of the problem, a summary of a literature review (theoretical), and ending with the purpose of research.

● Section title with a method using all capital letters , as well as the results of research, discussion, conclusions and suggestions. This section describes how research is done.

● The results section includes the results of data analysis (not raw data). Presentation can be helped by tables or graphs and should be accompanied by an explanation or giving meaning to the results of the analysis.

● Part discussion contains discussion of the results of research to previous research, theory, or knowledge that is already established, unsourced. The results of the research can be supported, not supported, or even contradictory .

● Conclusion contains a summary of the results of estab discussion and generalization of the results of research conducted. Based on the conclusions further provided good suggestions for practical action, developm ment of the theory, as well as advanced research.

3. Conceptual Articles

● Systematics is a conceptual article title, author name, abstract and keywords, introduction, discussion contents, conclusion, and a  list of references.

● Abstract conceptual contains a title, a summary of the background issues, the importance of the discussion, the contents of the discussion, and conclusion. Other similar with the research article abstracts.

● The introduction did not use the title ( heading ). Contents include the preliminary background of the problem, the purpose and importance of the discussion, and the scope of the discussion.

● Part discussion can be divided into sub- sub-sections according to systematic discussion in problem solving conceptually .

● Conclusion contain the conclusion of the discussion conducted.

● For conceptual article meng should use at least 15 references, pitch except for the author of a great teacher.

4. Writing Pictures

Pictures are placed straight left in columns within a single space of a paragraph. If the size of the image passes width koIom then the image can be placed with a single column format. Images can be placed after or before the appointment in the script. Pictures are numbered and sorted by Arabic numerals. The image name is placed below the image and within one single space of the image. Writing the name of the image using font size 11 pt , bold . When using the information, then use smaller letters. Image source reference must be accompanied by his (Source: author's name, year). Images must be printed in black and white with good quality. When a color image make sure it can be printed in black and white with the good.


5. Writing Table

Table title written with font size 11 pt bold and placed on the table with the format as shown in the example. Fill t abel written with Times New Roman size 11 pt Numbering tables using Arabic numerals. Between the table and the paragraph is one single space. Tables can be placed before or after the appointment of the manuscript. Penun has put forward a table or picture is accompanied by a number (Table 2, Figure 7, not the table below or the chart below). If the table has a column that is enough or image large enough, it can be used the format of the column (left column merged right column). The table contains only the horizontal lines, vertical lines are being removed. If the table is the result of referrals, it is necessary to mention the source (Source: author's name, and year).


6. Referral

● referral sources as much as possible the issue of less than 10 years. Referral preferred are primary sources, such as research reports and articles in the journal.

● Referral and citations using the technique enclosed referral, which is written: ( name, year ) or name (year ). Inclusion of a source in a direct quotation should be accompanied by a description of the page number (Strunk & White, 1979: 47).


7. Writing References

The materials were read but not cited in the text should not be included in the reference list, while all the materials cited in the text must be included in the reference list. Writing the reference list sorted alphabetically. The author's name is written in this order: the last name, first name and middle name, without academic degrees. Writing early and middle name can be shortened.

Reference Books

Strunk, W.Jr. & White, EB 1979. The Elements of Style (3 rd ed.). New York: Macmillan.

Contains references from the book set Article (There are editors)

Letheridge, S. & Cannon, CR (Eds.). 1980. Billingual Education: Teaching English as a Second Language. New York: Praeger.

References of Articles in Journals

Hanafi, A. 1989. Participation in Rural Press and Adoption of Innovation. Forum Research, 1 (1): 33-47.

References of Articles in Magazines or Newspapers

Gardner, H. 1981. Do Babies Sing a Uni versal Song? Psychology Today, p.  70-76.

Huda, 13 November 1991. M. Interrogate Electricity Crisis Dry Season. Jawa Pos,  p. 6.

Referral of Newspapers Without Writer

Jawa Pos. 1995, April 22. Women Underclass More Independent. Hlm.3.

Referral of the Institute Institute Written on Behalf Such

Development and Language Development Center. 1978. Guidelines for Writing Research Report. Jakarta: Ministry Pendi-tance and Culture.

Referral Form of Translation Work

Ary, D., Jacobs, LC, & Razavieh, A. Without year. Introduction to Educational Research. Translation by Arief Furchan. 1982. Surabaya: National Business.

Referral of Theses, or Dissertation

Pangaribuan, T. 1992. Development of Kom-compe- Kewacanaan English Language Learners in LPTK. Dissertation diterbit no-kan. Malang: Graduate Teachers' Training College Malang.

Referral of Papers Presented at the Seminar

Karim, Z.1987. City Planning in Developing Countries. Paper presented at a seminar Tatakota, BAPPEDA East Java, Surabaya, 1 to 2 September.

Referrals from the Internet Work Individual

Hitchcock, S., Carr, L. and Hall, W. 1996. A Survey of STM Online Journals, 1990-1995: The Calm before the Storm, (Online), / survey / survey. html, accessed June 12, 1996).


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.

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Teknologi Kejuruan by Teknologi Kejuruan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.


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This journal charges the following author fees.

Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)

Fast-Track Review: 0.00 (IDR)

Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)