Sutrisno Sutrisno, Dian Ariestadi


The implementation of portfolio assessment on research methodology learn­ing. The pur­­­pose of the study was to determine the implementation of the port­folio assessment on the lear­­n­ing model of the research methodology course, students aca­­­­demic achievement, students liveliness lear­­n­ing, and the obstacles occurred. The stu­dy used a classroom action research. Da­­­ta was collected using questionnaires, ob­ser­­vation, and documentation. Data was quan­­­titatively analyzed. The results show: first, the implementation of the learning can be performed with a pat­­tern that con­sists of two class meeting discussing theories and one class meeting deepening the cour­­­­se material, and ended  with a homework; second, the achievement of students did not increase linearly, but the level of ma­s­­tery achieved was 72.09% greater than the learning that did not use the portfolio assessment; third, the students activity in­creas­ed in each cycle in which the last cycle of activity reached 98.78%. The obs­tac­les occurred during the study were the completion of homework and students se­ri­ous­ness fac­­­tor.


Tu­juan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui penerapan model pembelajaran ases­men por­to­folio pada matakuliah metodologi penelitian, prestasi belajar ma­ha­siswa, keaktifan bel­ajar mahasiswa, dan kendala yang terjadi. Penelitian ini meng­­guna­kan rancangan pe­nelitian tindakan kelas. Pengumpulan data menggunakan ang­ket, ob­ser­­vasi, dan do­kumentasi, serta dianalisis secara kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian me­nun­juk­­kan: pertama, pe­nerapan pembelajaran dapat dilakukan dengan pola dua per­te­mu­an teori dan satu per­­temuan pendalaman diakhiri tugas rumah; kedua, pres­ta­si belajar ma­­hasiswa tidak me­ningkat secara linear, namun tingkat ketuntasan men­ca­pai 72,09% lebih besar daripada bila tidak menggunakan pembelajaran dengan ases­men por­to­­folio; ketiga, ke­aktifan mahasiswa meningkat pada setiap siklusnya, de­ngan ke­ak­tifan siklus ter­akhir mencapai 98,78%. Kendala yang terjadi adalah pada pe­­­­­­nye­le­saian tu­gas rumah dan faktor kesungguhan mahasiswa.


asesmen; portofolio

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Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2477-0442 (online)

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