Model Pendidikan dan Permbelajaran Kewiraswastaan dalam Muatan Lokal pada Kelompok Belajar Program Paket B Setara SLTP

Hendi Suhendraya Muchtar


The main purposed of the study was to find the model of entrepreneurships education at B Package Program when be wrapped in a local content. This research  was conducted using Research and Development  (Borg and Gall,  1979)  and qualitative approach, with  four stages: qualitative exploratory with the case study design, the laboratory developmental study, the validation stage with quasi experimental design,  and the refinement models by experts justification and practitioners in seminars, focus group discussion, and workshop forum. Empirical findings show that the implementation of the findings were able to create knowledge, attitude, and motivation for leaners in improving income generating from entrepreneurship education.


kelompok belajar paket B, pendidikan kewiraswastaan