Survei: Sikap, Perilaku Seks Pranikah serta Asertivitas Hubungan Heteroseksual Remaja di Jawa Timur (Implikasinya pada Pendidikan Seks di Kalangan Remaja)

Endang Prastuti, Sri Weni Utami, Carolina L. Radjah, Triyono Triyono


Pattern of adolescence dating showed more permissive attitude and sexual behavior. They were not assertively responsive, so that the attitude and behavior changing can impact the increasing number of pregnancy among adolescence. This research was aimed to describe (1) the adolescence attitude toward premarital sexual relation, (2) the adolescence sexual bahavior toward premarital relation, and (3) the adolescence assertion toward heterosexual relation. Research subjects were adolescence 16-19 years old (N = 685), from 5 regions in Jawa Timur ( Surabaya , Pasuruan, Malang , Blitar, Madiun, and Pacitan). The result indicated that (1) 73,7 % adolescence have less permissiven attitude toward premartial, 23,1 % permissiven, and 3,2 % more permissiven; (2) 79,3 % adolescence showed sexual behavior as: kissing, petting, hugs with partner, 18,4 % adolescence showed exploring breast and part of sensitive body, where as 2,3 % did intercourse with partner; (3) 83,4 % have less assertive attitude in heterosexual relationship, 18,4 % have less assertively attitude in heterosexual, where as 0,1 % have more assertive attitude in heterosexual.