Pembelajaran Konsep Luas Daerah Segiempat dan Segitiga melalui Pendekatan Konstruktivistik pada Siswa Kelas V SDN Tegalrejo II Kota Yogyakarta

P. Sarjiman


The aim of this action research was to describe: (1) how the process and model of the teaching and learning of the plane area concept via a constructivistic approach; (2) how the students' response towards the teaching and learning. The method used in this researh was the action research consisting of two cycles. Each cycle was carried out through planning, action, observation, and reflection. The researcher worked collaboratively with the elementary school personels. The class teacher was the teacher who carried out the teaching and learning, where as the reseacher, the head master, and the teacher who kept the running of the school observed the process of the teaching. The subjects of the research showed were all the fith students comprising 37 students. The result of the research showed that in the first cycle was not satisfying, whereas in the second cycle, the result had been satisfied. The mean score of the post test result of the first and the second cycle were 50,82 dan 75,85 respectively; whereas the pretest result was still 38,26. The students' response was positive and satisfying. The constructivistic approach of the teaching could be one of the alternative modern teaching approaches that could be applied in the teaching and learning processes.