Sumanto Sumanto, Usep Kustiawan, Sri Sudarmi


Abstract: Study of picture’s theme and object in elementary schools’ children. Purpose of the research was to describe a diversity of picture’s theme and object in elementary schools’ children. The research subjects were document of East Java elementary schools’ children picture results. Analysis methods were content analysis approach qualitative descriptive and artship study analysis. Research results showed: (1) the diversity of picture’s themes and picture’s title were relevant to picturing imagination ideas/ thought into picture form consistent to creativitity of every child. Picture themes diversity were: My Self, Playing, Animal, Activities/Hobby, Scenary, Public places or objects, Art, Exhibition Art, Place or environmental Condition, Events, Religiousity, Sport, Imaginative, and Poster. (2) the objects that dominated children’s picture were plantation, building, animal, human, vehicle, instruments, game, natural object, imaginative figure.

Keywords: study of theme, picture’ object, child, elementary school

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan, keragaman tema dan obyek gambar anak-anak SD. Subyek penelitian dokumen karya gambar anak-anak SD di Jawa Timur. Analisis menggunakan pendekatan content analysis deskriftip kualitatif dan analisis kajian kesenirupaan. Hasil penelitian: (1) keragaman tema dan judul gambar anak berkaitan dengan penggambaran suatu ide/gagasan ke dalam bentuk gambar sesuai gaya kreatifitas setiap anak. Keragaman tema gambar yaitu: Diriku, Bermain, Binatang, Kegiaatan/Hobby, Pemandangan, Tempat atau Obyek Publik, Kesenian, Seni Pertunjukkan, Suasana Tempat/Lingkungan, Peristiwa, Keagamaan, Olahraga, Imajinatif, dan Poster; (2) obyek yang mendominasi karya gambar anak sangat beragam, di antaranya tumbuhan, bangunan, binatang, manusia, kendaraan, peralatan, mainan, obyek alam, tokoh imajinatif.

Kata Kunci: kajian tema, obyek gambar, anak, SD

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