Ainur Rofieq


Abstract: This study aims to determine the range of inhalant allergens in house dust and allergic rhinitis sufferers develop the model reduction of levels of inhalant allergens in house dust allergic rhinitis sufferers. Research activities conducted through descriptive and cross sectional study with a population of people with allergic rhinitis in the city of Malang. research results concluded that house dust collected from homes of allergic rhinitis sufferers contain inhalant allergen levels average 2,413 g. Levels of allergens derived from various sources, namely: as many as 20,508 dust mites Dermatophagoides tail, weighs 6,086 g of dust, pollen grains 18,211, and the range of 2.1 fungal species. Based on factor analysis successfully developed a model reduction inhalant aller­gen levels of house dust with five latent variables, namely: house dust chemical factors, lifestyle fac­­tors, socioeconomic factors, internal factors place to live, and the main factor for growing the organisms in the dust.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berbagai allergen inhalan dalam debu rumah pengidap rhinitis alergi dan menyusun model pengurangan kadar alergen inhalan dalam debu rumah pengidap rhinitis alergi. Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan melalui penelitian deskriptif dan cross sectional dengan populasi pengidap rhinitis alergi di kota Malang. hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa debu rumah yang terkumpul dari rumah pengidap rhinitis alergi mengandung kadar allergen inhalan rerata 2.413 g. Kadar alergen berasal dari berbagai sumber, yaitu: tungau debu Dermatophagoides sebanyak 20.508 ekor, berat debu 6.086 g, serbuk sari 18.211 butir, dan ragam jamur 2,1 jenis. Berdasarkan analisis faktor berhasil disusun model pengurangan kadar alergen inhalan debu rumah dengan lima variable laten, yaitu: faktor kimia debu rumah, faktor gaya hidup masyarakat, faktor sosial ekonomi, faktor internal tempat tinggal, dan faktor utama tumbuh-kembang organisme dalam debu.