Studi Watak Harmonik pada Rectifier dalam Kondisi Berbeban dan Tanpa Beban

Sujito Sujito


A power electronic equipment that is used for the aplication of drive system in
industry to control direct current voltage, is a nonlinear load and a harmonic source. Refer
to the nonlinear characteristic of solid state power convertion equipment, harmonic curent
will be injected in the power system, making voltage harmonic distortion. The goals of this
research are to know the characteristics of current and voltage harmonic, to analyze of
curent and voltage total harmonic distortion, and to determine the parameters of low pass
passive filters that will be used to decrease the harmonic current and voltage in the
rectifier. This research was done experimentaly by three observation conditions at
laboratory, namely by changing the voltage of output at the condition of loaded and
nonloaded, and to change load current of rectifier. The results of this reseach showed that
under noload condition the highest harmonic voltage was found at the third order of
harmonic, and for the highest harmonic current accured at the fifth order of harmonic, with
the highest value of voltage and current total harmonic distortion 3,092% and 45,32%.
Under load condition the highest harmonic voltage was found at the fifth order of
harmonic, and for the highest harmonic current on second order of harmonic, with the
highest value of voltage and current total harmonic distortion 2,850% and 67,23%. Under
changing load current condition the highest harmonic voltage was found at the fifth order
of harmonic, and for the highest harmonic current on second order of harmonic, with the
highest value of voltage and current total harmonic distortion 2,680% and 44,02%.

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