Perbedaan Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Quantum Teaching-Snowball Throwing Dengan Direct Instruction Terhadap Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar TIK

Putriana Prihadi, Suwasono Suwasono


Based on observations in SMP Negeri 1 Srengat, it is known that ICT learning which takes place in the class tend to use Direct Instruction. When the students do learning activities, they tend to be passive and less motivated because the learning process is still oriented to the teacher (teacher centered). As an impact, student learning outcomes are less satisfactory. It is necessary for teacher to create an active learning and teaching process that can arise student motivation in order to optimize student’s learning outcomes. Quantum Teaching-Snowball Throwing learning is a blended learning where the activity with its roles and function have mutual support to make study activity more varied and meaningful. The aim of this research is to know differences of learning motivation and learning outcomes of student that taught by Quantum Teaching-Snowball Throwing method compared with student that taught by Direct Instruction method. This research used quasy experimental design. Research population was all students grade VII SMPN 1 Srengat. Sample were taken by purposive sampling technique. Research instrument used were learn-ing instrument (syllabus, RPP, hand out and worksheet) and measuring instrument (test, motivation questionnaire and observation sheet). Data analysis was performed by SPSS 16 for Windows. Research result showed that cognitive, affective, psychomotor and learning motivation of experiment class were better than control class.

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