Uji Kualitas Batako dengan Bahan Campuran Pasir Gua Songsong Singosari Malang

Bambang Djatmiko


To avoid lost, some concrete brick industries mix Brabdong sand with Gua sand. This research is set out to identify the mixture composition which fulfills the quality standard. The object of this research is concrete brick specimen with mixture composition 1 portland cement: 7 sand, meanwhile the various composition of brojong and gua sand are set as independent variables. This research uses experimental method–case study with descriptive analysis, varian, and scheffe. The results show that the concrete brick with mixture composition 75% brandong sand and 25% gua sand has best quality. It has massive density, low water absorption capacity, and fulfills compression strength standard of 26.724 kg/cm2.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/tk.v27i2.324

Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2477-0442 (online)
Email: teknologikejuruan.ft@um.ac.id

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