Faktor-Faktor Dominan Terhadap Pertumbuhan Pemakaian Energi Listrik di Indonesia

Setiadi Cahyono Putro


The purpose of this research is to investigate the dominant external factors affecting the rate of electrical energy consumption in Indonesia. The research is conducted through five groups of electrical energy consumers, i.e.: housing and settlements, industry, small business, social sector, and the total energy consumption. It includes and processes national secondary data with Stepwise Backward Regression as analysis method, which is supported by using SPSS software. The dominant factors derived from this study include: (1) for housing and settlement sector, the consumption rate is influenced by national PDB and the rate of industrial growth; (2) for industrial sector, the consumption rate is influenced by national PDB, the rate of industrial growth, and the growth of population; (3) for small business sector, the consumption rate is influenced by national PDB, the rate of industrial growth, and the growthof population; (4) for social sector, the consumption rate is influenced by national PDB, the rate of industrial growth, and the growth of population; and (5) total energy consumptioan rate is influenced by national PDB, the rate of industrial growth, and the growth of population. As additional result, it shows that the tariff of electrical energy consumption does not significantly affect the consumption rate itself.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/tk.v27i1.359

Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2477-0442 (online)
Email: teknologikejuruan.ft@um.ac.id

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