Pemodelan Bangkitan Perjalanan Orang pada Daerah Pinggiran Kota Malang

Tri , Suprayitno, and Ton Kuncoro Bambang


The purpose of this research is to establish the mathematic model for generated-people's transportation at settlement district in Malang perimeter area. Date are collected by survey and interviews technique questioned on 16 selected housing that includes family structure, social and economic condition, and transportation. The result shows that: (1) general model for generated-people's transportation Y = -0.0005 + 0.294 AK + 0.173 P + 0.014 K vehicle -0.043 DL, (2) model for transported working people by car Y = -0.062 + 0.001 W + 0.039 P + 0.013 car, (3) model for transported working people by motorcycle Y = -0.096 + 0.134 W - 0.004 P + 0.183 motorcycle, (4) model for transported working people by public transportation Y = -0.098 + 0.0256 W - 0.0041 P + 0.0098 public transportation, (5) model for transported working people by another vehicle Y = 0.0475 + 0.0491 W - 0.0282 P + 0.306 family without vehicle, (6) model for transported students going to school by car Y = -0.0041 + 0.0033 students + 0.0272 car, (7) model for transported students going to school by motorcycle Y = -0.030 + 0.0097 students + 0.142 motorcycle, (8) model for transported students going to school by public transportation Y = -0.0469 + 0.0551 students + 0.0272 fanily without vehicles, and (9) model for transported students going to school by another vehicles Y = 0.0348 + 0.145 students + 0.264 without vehicle.


Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2477-0442 (online)

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