Usep Kustiawan


Abstract: Esthetic and typology of elementary children’s picture. The purpose of this research was to describe: (1) the diversity of theme, title, form/  object of children’s picture, (2) Period of children’s drawing, (3) Typology  and impression of children’ drawing space, (4) Visualization of children’s picture components, (5) picture media and art technique in the children’s picture. The design of the research was descriptive  qualitative. The subjects were 2009-2011 children’s pictures in East Java Province. Research result showed:  (1) the diversity of themes  and pictures’ title was a representation form  of  creative thinking, uniqueness  representation, effective, and variety impression among pictures. (2) Most of esthetic of typology, style and picture space impression  can be typed visual and a few can be   seen haptic. (3) A visual component of  Line, color, form, field, and texture were more dominant, while space and light components were not always appear in every children’s picture. (4) the diversity of the picture media were: pencil, color pencil, crayon, little marker, big marker, water verf, and ballpoint.
Abstrak: penelitian ini tujuannya mendeskripsikan: (1) keragaman tema, judul, bentuk/obyek gambar anak, (2) periodisasi menggambar anak, (3) tipologi dan kesan ruang gambar anak, (4) visualisasi unsur rupa gambar anak-anak, (5) media rupa dan teknik seni pada gambar anak. Rancangan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, subyeknya gambar anak SD di Jawa Timur tahun 2009-2011. Analisis kesenirupaan berupa penyajihan data dalam paparan deskriptif estetika dan tipologi gambar anak. Hasil penelitian: (1) keragaman tema, judul gambar adalah wujud representasi gagasan kreatif, keunikan, ekspresi dari pengalaman, realitas, imajinatif yang bermakna budaya dan lainnya. Gambar anak memiliki nilai estetis spesifik, menarik, dinamis, lugas, dan tidak sama kesannya antara satu gambar dengan gambar lainnya. (2) Estetika tipologi, gaya, dan kesan ruang gambar umumnya bertipe Visual, dan sedikit bertipe Haptic. (3) Unsur visual garis, warna, bentuk/bangun, bidang, dan tekstur lebih dominan, sedangkan unsur ruang dan cahaya tidak selalu tampak pada setiap karya gambar anak. (4) Keragaman media rupa yaitu: pensil, pensil warna, crayon, spidol kecil, spidol besar, water verf, dan bollpoint.


estetika, Tipologi, gambar anak, SD

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