Pengaruh Pendekatan Kontekstual melalui Strategi Inkuiri dan Masyarakat Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif

Irwandi Irwandi


Abstract: The objective of this research were to analyze and describe the effect of inquiry, learning community, and entry behavior toward cognitive achievement of Senior High School Students of Bengkulu. The research showed that: (1) there was no difference of students’ cognitive learning achievement with CTL through inquiry level 1 and level 2 strategy and (2) there was a difference of students’ cognitive learning achievement with CTL through intended learning community and extended learning community. The result with LSD test revealed that, students’ cognitive learning achievement with CTL through extended learning community was better than those with intended learning community.

Alamat Penyunting dan Tata Usaha:
Jurusan Biologi, FMIPA, Universitas Negeri Malang
Gedung O-5 Jl. Cakrawala No.2 Malang 65145
Telp/Fax. (0341) 588077 (langsung), (0341) 551312 pesawat 262