The Effectiveness of Web-Based Learning Inquiry Method to Increase Students’Independency of Learning

Halimatus Sakdiah, Marthen Pali, I Wayan Ardhana, Immanuel Hitipeuw


Efektivitas Metode Pembelajaran Inkuiri Berbasis Web dalam Meningkatkan Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa

Abstract: This study aimed at determining whether there were differences in self-directed learning for students who received different treatment, web-based inquiry method and the conventional method. This was a quasi-experiment with the counterbalancing in two conditions within subject de-sign. SRSSDL was used to collect data which had been tested with the construct validity and reli-ability (cronbach’s alpha = 0936). And the data were analyzed by the General Linear Model Univariate Analysis of Variance test through a computer program SPSS release 16. The result  showed  there were differences in self-directed learning for students who are subjected to a web-based inquiry method and the conventional method (F = 5.518; r = 0.021) with mean X1 = 137.395 > mean X2 = 129.778). This  result proved the web-based inquiry learning was effective to improve students self-directed learning.
Key Words: web-based inquiry, self-directed learning

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan perbedaan dalam pembelajaran mandiri bagi siswa yang menerima perlakuan berbeda, metode yang digunakan adalah web-based inquiry dan metode konvensional. Penelitian ini berupa eksperimen semu dengan menyeimbangkan dua kondisi di dalam subjek. SRSSDL digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data yang telah diuji dengan validitas dan reliabilitas konstruk (cronbach alpha = 0.936). Data dianalisis dengan General Linear Model Univariate Analysis of Variance tes menggunakan aplikasi SPSS release 16. Hasil menunjukkan ada-nya perbedaan belajar mandiri bagi siswa yang diajar dengan metode inquiry berbasis web dan me-tode konvensional (F = 5,518; r = 0,021) dengan rata-rata X1 = 137,395> rata-rata X2 = 129,778). Hal ini membuktikan pembelajaran inquiry berbasis web efektif untuk meningkatkan siswa dalam belajar mandiri.
Kata kunci: web-based inquiry, pembelajaran mandiri


web-based inquiry, self-directed learning

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