Proses Berpikir Siswa dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Higher Order Thinking Skills Berdasarkan Pemahaman Konseptual dan Prosedural

Puji Astuti, Abdul Qohar, Erry Hidayanto


Abstract: This study aims to describe the thinking process of students in solving Higher Order Thinking Skills problems based on conceptual and procedural understanding. This type of research is descriptive research. The subject of this study was the eighth-grade students of Ma’arif 3 Islamic Middle School Malang. The results of the study were obtained (1) Based on the conceptual understanding of the subject did not meet the indicators presenting concepts in various forms of mathematics, but fulfilling the indicators rewrite the concepts that had been studied and could apply the concepts algorithmically. (2) Based on procedural understanding the subject meets the indicators of choosing the right procedure in solving the problem, but it is not appropriate to know when and how to use the procedure and apply the procedure chosen to solve the problem.

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses berpikir siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal Higher Order Thinking Skills berdasarkan pemahaman konseptual dan prosedural. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Islam Ma’arif 3 Malang. Hasil penelitian diperoleh (1) berdasarkan pemahaman konseptual subjek belum memenuhi indikator mempresentasikan konsep dalam berbagai bentuk matematika, tetapi memenuhi indikator menuliskan kembali konsep yang telah dipelajari dan dapat menerapkan konsep secara algoritma; (2) berdasarkan pemahaman prosedural subjek memenuhi indikator memilih prosedur yang tepat dalam menyelesaikan masalah, namun kurang tepat dalam mengetahui kapan dan bagaimana menggunakan prosedur tersebut dan mengaplikasikan prosedur yang dipilih untuk memecahkan masalah.


thought process; higher order thinking skills questions; conceptual understanding; procedural understanding proses berpikir; soal higher order thinking skills; pemahaman konseptual; pemahaman prosedural

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Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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