Bahan Ajar Menyimak Teks Eksposisi Berbasis Website untuk Pelajar BIPA Tingkat Madya

Yoga Rifqi Azizan, Kusubakti Andajani, Azizatuz Zahro


Abstract: The purpose of this research and development is to produce teaching materials to listen to website-based exposition texts for intermediate BIPA students. The teaching materials developed contain the diversity of Indonesian culture which is implemented in various themes. The development research model used was to adapt the Four-D Model. Each eligibility obtains a percentage of the assessment as follows. (1) the feasibility aspect of the presentation obtained a percentage of 71% (2) the aspect of content eligibility obtained a percentage of 77%. (3) then the language feasibility aspect obtained an eligibility percentage of 79%, (4) the website graphic feasibility aspect obtained a 72% percentage, as for the results of the intermediate level BIPA student response questionnaire to the developed teaching materials this obtained a percentage of 100%.Abstrak: Tujuan penelitian dan pengembangan ini menghasilkan bahan ajar menyimak teks eksposisi berbasis website pada pelajar BIPA tingkat madya. Bahan ajar yang dikembangkan memuat keakeragaman budaya Indonesia yang diimplementasikan dalam berbagai tema. Model penelitian pengembangan yang digunakan mengadaptasi Four-D Model. Masing-masing kelayakan memperoleh persentase penilaianan sebagai berikut. (1) aspek kelayakan penyajian memperoleh persentase 71% (2) aspek kelayakan isi memperoleh persentase kelayakan 77%. (3) selanjutnya aspek kelayakan bahasa memperoleh persentase kelayakan 79%, (4) aspek kelayakan kegrafikaan website memperoleh persentase 72%. Adapun untuk hasil angket respon pelajar BIPA tingkat madya terhadap bahan ajar yang dikembangkan ini memperoleh persentase 100%.


teaching materials; listening skills; intermediete level; bahan ajar; keterampilan menyimak; tingkat madya

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Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, & Pengembangan

Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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