Manajemen Strategik dalam Program Online Learning pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 di Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini

Wuni Rochmawati, Ibrahim Bafadal, Agus Timan


Abstract: The government issued a policy to implement distance learning in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, including in early childhood level. The purpose of this study is to find out how the Ceria Montessori School and the Nasional Montessori School conduct strategic management into online learning programs during the Covid-19 pandemic. By using qualitative research methods, it was found that these two schools implemented strategic management into online learning programs by going through several stages, namely: (1) analysis of the school environment related to online learning programs, both from internal and external factors; (2) the formulation of online learning program strategies; (3) implementation of online learning program strategies; (4) evaluation and control of online learning program strategies.

Abstrak: Pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan untuk melaksanakan PJJ sebagai respon dari kondisi pandemi Covid-19, tidak terkecuali untuk jenjang PAUD. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui bagaimana sekolah Ceria Montessori School dan Nasional Montessori melakukan manajemen strategik ke dalam program online learning selama masa pandemi Covid-19 ini. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif, ditemukan hasil penelitian bahwa kedua sekolah ini mengimplementasikan manajemen strategik ke dalam program online learning dengan melakukan beberapa tahapan, yaitu: (1) analisis lingkungan sekolah yang berkenaan dengan program online learning, baik dari faktor internal dan eksternal; (2) formulasi strategi program online learning; (3) implementasi strategi program online learning; (4) evaluasi dan kontrol strategi program online learning.


strategic management; online learning; distance learning; early childhood education; manajemen strategik; online learning; pembelajaran jarak jauh; pendidikan anak usia dini

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Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, & Pengembangan

Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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