Pembelajaran Keterampilan Berbahasa dan Bersastra pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19: Analisis Metasintesis

Muhammad Rizal, Suyono Suyono, Titik Harsiati


Abstract: This systematic review study reports the results of a rigorous systematic review of research on learning Indonesian language and literature skills at various levels of education during the pandemic which has not been studied previously to measure its achievement. A total of 29 inclusion studies were found which were divided into two focuses. A total of 20 studies entered the metasynthesis criteria for the use of language skills learning media and the use of literary skills learning media during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Abstrak: Penelitian systyematic review ini melaporkan hasil tinjauan sistematis yang ketat dari penelitian pembelajaran keterampilan berbahasa dan bersastra Indonesia pada berbagai jenjang pendidikan pada masa pandemi yang masih belum diteliti sebelumnya untuk mengukur ketercapaiannya. Ditemukan sejumlah 29 penelitian inklusi yang dibagi ke dalam dua fokus. Sejumlah 20 penelitian masuk ke dalam kriteria metasintesis penggunaan media pembelajaran keterampilan berbahasa dan penggunaan media pembelajaran keterampilan bersastra pada masa pandemi Covid-19.


language skills; literary skills; online learning; the time of the covid-19 pandemic; metasynthesis; keterampilan berbahasa; keterampilan bersastra; pembelajaran daring; masa pandemi covid-19; metasintesis

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Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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