Evaluasi Geosite untuk Eduwisata

Maria Yosi Felicia, Sumarmi Sumarmi, I Komang Astina


Abstract: Visitors Education of volcanic processes and geodiversity in Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TNBTS) can be a positive value for conservation of abiotic environment. Geosite evaluation for educational tourism is needed to reduce environmental impacts due to tourism activities (a descriptive quantitative research). And its result informed us: Sand Sea Caldera (12.25 points), Mount Bromo Caldera (12.25 points), Mount Batok (11.75 points), Teletubies Hill (11.5 points), and Mount Penanjakan volcanic deposits (9 points). These facts remind us to increase the geodiversity publishings in Teletubies Hill and Mount Penanjakan volcanic deposits so the geology sites will have education and economic value.

Abstrak: Evaluasi kesesuaian geosite untuk wisata edukasi perlu dilakukan untuk mengurangi dampak lingkungan akibat kegiatan pariwisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan evaluasi dan deskripsi tentang geosite di TNBTS. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan skor secara berurutan yaitu Lautan Pasir (12,25 poin), Kaldera Gunung Bromo (12,25 poin), Gunung Batok (11,75 point), Bukit Teletubies (11,5 poin), dan Endapan Vulkanik tebing Gunung Penanjakan (9 point). Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya usaha publikasi kekayaan geodiversitas savana bukit telubies dan endapan vulkanik sehingga situs geologi memiliki nilai pendidikan dan ekonomis bagi wisata edukasi.


geodiversity; conservation; educational tours; national Parks; geodiversitas; konservasi; wisata edukasi; taman nasional

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/jptpp.v6i12.15173


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Journal of Education: Theory, Research, and Development

Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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