Isa Wijiningtyas, Ach Fatchan, I Nyoman Ruja


This research aims to to describe the kinds of motivational guides in learning geography of the students in SMA N 5 Malang, and to describe the forming process and students’ motivation in learning geography by using Etnomethodology perspective. The research results of the motivation guide in learning geography of the students in SMA N 5 Malang are the enthusiasm of achievement, to participate in geography Olympiad, geography as a preferred subject, actively to learn geography in class, apprehension to get the bad score, the study preparation before geography test, to make the parents proud, learning geography at home, the confidence to have a good score in geography, to join the study activity outside the school, taken a decisively thinking when geography lesson held, competing with fellow students, sense of challenge in learning geography, and feel of benefit in learning geography. The second result of the motivation guide in learning geography of the students in SMA N 5 Malang is geography subject is unique and attractive because the subject has rich of materials, not only experiencing about nature phenomenon, but also social occurrence.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan proses pemahaman motivasi siswa belajar geografi siswa menggunakan prespektif Etnometodologi. Hasil penelitian bentuk motivasi belajar geografi siswa SMA Negeri 5 Malang yaitu merasakan manfaat belajar geografi, cita-cita yang terinspirasi dari pelajaran geografi, keinginan yang kuat menjadi siswa yang berprestasi, mengikuti kelas olimpiade geografi, merasa senang saat pelajaran geografi, aktif  pelajaran geografi dikelas, takut mendapatkan nilai ulangan yang jelek, belajar sungguh-sungguh sebelum ulangan geografi, mempunyai tanggung jawab belajar dan ingin membanggakan orang tua, mempunyai kebiasaan belajar georafi secara rutin di rumah, yakin mendapatkan nilai geografi yang bagus, mengikuti kelas tambahan belajar di luar rumah, berfikir kritis saat pelajaran geografi, mempunyai perasaan bersaing dengan teman-teman sekelas, merasa tertantang ingin lebih banyak belajar geografi. Hasil penelitian ke dua pemahaman motivasi belajar geografi siswa SMA Negeri 5 Malang bahwa pelajaran geografi menarik dan unik karena di mata pelajaran tersebut kaya akan materi-materi, bukan hanya mengenai fenomena alam namun juga fenomena sosial.


Motivation; Etnomethodology; motivasi belajar; etnometodologi

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Graduate School Of Universitas Negeri Malang

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