Ismi Laili Afwa, Sutopo Sutopo, Eny Latifah


Design and implementation of the program Deep Learning Question DLQs for kinematics has been done. The DLQs which is applied outside the classroom is necessary to facilitate student for comprehend the concept of kinematics and record the depth of the concept of long-term memory. DLQs programs created by adobe flash software. Data were collected from pre-post test in the form multiple choice questions along with the reason, which generate quantitative and qualitative data. The result of research DLQs programs enhance students conceptual understanding.

Telah dilakukan desain dan implementasi program Deep Learning Question DLQs untuk materi kinematika. DLQs yang diaplikasikan diluar kelas diperlukan untuk memfasilitasi mahasiswa dalam memahamkan konsep kinematika dengan baik dan merekamkan konsep tersebut secara mendalam pada memori jangka panjang. Program DLQs dikemas dengan bantuan software Adobe Flash. Data diambil dari pre-post test berupa soal pilihan ganda beserta alasannya, yang menghasilkan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Diperoleh hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan program DLQs dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mahasiswa.


conceptual uderstanding; kinematics; deep learning question programs; pemahaman konsep; kinematika; program deep learning question

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