Proses Pemecahan Masalah Soal Cerita Siswa Sekolah Dasar

Wasis D. Dwiyogo


The study aims at describing the process of problem solving in word problems carried out by primary school third graders who have high, average, and low capabilities. The protocol method was used in this study. Thinking aloud and clinical interview techniques were used for collecting data. The data collected consisted of algorithms of the problem solving processes on word problems. Findings of this study confirmed the five steps in the process of problems solving in word problems carried out by primary school third graders: (1) understanding the problem, (2) representing the problem, (3) deciding the mathematical model, (4) executing the calculation, and (5) drawing the conclusion that constitutes the answer. The difference among learners with high, average, and low capability in the processes of problem solving is consistent. The difference is primarily on the use of mathematical models, use of time, and the number of steps needed in solving the problems. For instructional software designers, the important implication of the findings of this study is the need to design instructional soft wares that accommodate a wide range of learner characteristics. Among the many types of instructional soft wares, the one that seems to be most promising in adequately fulfilling this need is CBI, because it can most effectively address the 3 elements of instruction i.e. substance, presentation modes, and management.