Penggunaan Peta Konsep sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran Genetika pada Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi

Ratna K. Haras


The development of Concept Map aims to help college student, mainly in terms of learning. Mapping of concept makes meaning-learning easier and help Lecturers in teaching and evaluating the student’s learning results. The Genetics course is perceived generally difficult by students. Studying genetics materials needs highly conceptual understanding. Thus, it needs a learning method or an learning approach which can improve their understanding, concept mastering, and learning result, that is by imple-menting the Concept Map. The Subject matters selected are Determination of Sex, Multiple-Alley, and Genetics Materials. In every cycle, the application of Concept Map is explained before the subject matters is taught, so that students can learn or even understand the learning mate-rials. Without learning, Concept Map can not be constucted. Some disadvantages identified in the first cycle should be improved in the next cycle using different subject matters. The research results show that in every cycle students make the improvement of their learning results, so they get better scores. The Application of Concept Map offers the better results, but needs more times. To anticipate this fact, in the beginning the students have to know which materials will be given in the Concept Map form and when the results are collected to the lecturer. Moreover, the student’s results must be immediately checked and given back to them, so that they will be motivated to learn.


peta konsep, peningkatan kualitas, pembelajaran genetika