Burn-Out Guru Pembimbing dalam Melaksanakan Tugas Bimbingan pada SMU dan SLTP Negeri Di Kota Makassar

Alimuddin Mahmud


This study analyzed the symptom of schools' burnout, using survey design. The data were collected through the inventory on the 80 counselor schools' at public senior and junior high schools in Makassar. The data were analyzed using descriptive-statistical analysis. The result showed that the symptom of counselor schools' burnout are refusing to work, conflict, less spirit, self-isolation, dissapointed, and pessimistic; The counselor schools' male counselor schools' work stress was higher than the female counselor; work stress of the counselor schools' with more than 10 years teaching period was higher than the once with less than 10 years teaching period; work stress of counselor schools' who had undergraduate diploma was higher than the once who had D-3 diploma; there were significant correlation between the counselor schools' work stress and their level of education.