Pemanfaatan Sumber Belajar dalam Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) di SDS Pawyatan Daha Kota Kediri

- Darwiyati


Abstract: PPKn is a course which emphasize on value and moral education. The effort to improving learning quality of PPKn learning it can be located on organizational strategy, management strategy, and delivering strategy. The purpose of this study is to improve PPKn learning quality in the SDS Pawyatan Daha, Kediri. The learning improvement includes empowerment of learning resource in delivering content of learning and factors influenced. The instruments of this research were participation observation, questionnaire, in depth interview, documentation, field notes, and recorded using a photo camera. The collected data were analyzed by Miles and Huberman model, i.e. data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results were: description of research location, strategy of empowerment of learning resource in delivering content of learning, and factors that is influence empowerment of learning resource in delivering content of learning. The recommendations of this research are: PPKn learning should apply learning strategy comprehensively, empowerment of learning resource comprehensively, and apply learning format using multimedia.


learning resources, PPKn, elementary school

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