Meningkatkan Kualitas Proses dan Hasil Belajar Kimia Dasar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Kimia UM dengan Strategi Learning Cycle-Cooperative-5E (LCC-5E)

Sri Rahayu, Prayitno Prayitno, Fauziatul Fajaroh


Generally, teaching method at university level tended to be lecture-oriented and students became less active. As consequences, the quality of teaching-learning process and student’s achievement became low. One way to understand how student learn and how to improve it is through constructivism. The purpose of this study was to implement an innovative teaching model Learning Cycle-cooperative 5E (LCC-5E) to improve the quality of teaching-learning process and student’s achievement on general chemistry class I. Research design was classroom action research. Data was collected using achievement test, questionnaire and observation, and analyzed using qualitative and quantitative ways. The results showed that LCC-5E teaching model improve  student’s participations in the teaching-learning process, their motivation to question and in giving opinion and their readiness. The role of  lecturer as facilitator become maximum. Besides, most of the students like the teaching model, whereas student’s achievement increases significantly. The average scores are 48 on pretest, 75 on the first cycle and 87 on the second cycle. The number of students who master 75% of the topic is  increased, that  is from 0% (pretest), 59% (first cycle) and 78% (second cycle).


strategi pembelajaran Learning Cycle-cooperative 5E (LCC-5E) , proses belajar, hasil belajar.