Epidemi Pornografi pada Anak Sekolah: Studi Kasus di SMPN 7 Mataram

Ani Mariani, Imam Bachtiar


An exposed pornographic material on the students are teenagers to get a snapshot of the use of child pornography on the school. Research conducted with the survey using the questionnaire method. From 345 students, about 96.8% students never exposed at least once in the media that contain pornographic material. There is a difference between pornography exposed students in Class 7 to Class 8, but the difference between Class 8 and 9 or between the Class 7 Class 9 is not significant. An exposed differences between boys and girls are also not significant. While the interaction between the sex classes have a significant influence. Media are the most important exposed pornography is on the phone (mobile phone). Start exposed pornography on the junior high school students began in the Class 5 primary, with the strong indications the early days. Motivation to see pornography in general is a curiosity as early exposed pornography, and some students changed to make it that pornography as entertainment, and continue with the addiction (8 students).
Kata kunci: pornografi, sekolah, epidemi, Mataram


pornografi, sekolah, epidemi, Mataram

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