Pengembangan dan Penerapan Logic Model pada Program Pembelajaran Penguatan Vocational Life Skills Berbasis Wirausaha

Jokebet Saludung


This study aims to develop and apply the logic model in planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of instructional design courses in vocational life skills-based strengthening of entrepreneurship for students PKK in order not idle if it does not get a job. Research was conducted as a test to find the best way as feedback for curriculum enrichment and entrepreneurship in the PKK. Research development is designed for three years, the year I (2009), year II (2010), year III (2011). The expected result is for students who were trained in entrepreneurial competence as field of expertise and interest in each one so motivated for entrepreneurship. The end result is a potential new entrepreneurs. Therefore, research specifically on the first year (2009) is intended to get real data which later developed into the basic implementation of vocational training reinforcement learning life skills in the second year study (2010). Beginning with the analysis of situations and problems, needs analysis, development model and its components and the indicator. The model is validated and tested and then revised. Research carried out qualitative and quantitative observation techniques, interviews, focus group discussions, questionnaires, qualitative descriptive study dokumen.Dianalisis. All activities are planned, developed, implemented and evaluated on the basis of system components in the form of logic model. Results showed that students experiencing problems and has not been competent to entrepreneurship. They still need strengthening entrepreneurial practices that must be followed in thestudy year II (2010).


development and application of logic models, vocational life skills, entrepreneurial

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