Strategi Kepala Sekolah dalam Mengimplementasikan PAUD Unggulan Nasional

Imron Arifin


The educational excellence movement becomes a global issue at all levels, including early childhood education. The government and the community alike have high hopes in the improvement of quality and excellence of institutions of early childhood education in management, curriculum, and teaching-learning practices. Educational success is influenced by the effectiveness of the principal. The school principal as a key to educational success has effective strategies to implementing of the national excellence program for early childhood education. One of these, early childhood education is Anak Saleh in Malang as a subject for research. The result of research is that, excellent schools have outstanding characteristics with a beacon of brilliance. There are two types of effective principals who are the value-based juggler’s, and the humanist’s types. Principal’s strategies have two roles which are internal and external agents for excellence of early childhood education.


excellence early childhood education, strategic, principal

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