Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Tingkat Tinggi Siswa SMP

Lia Yuliati, I Wayan Dasna, Sulisetijono


The objective of this research is to develop integrated science teaching material for 7th grade. This study used research and development design involve prior survey and development study. Results of this study are integrated science teaching materials consite of 7 themes. Every theme is packed in introduction, content, and closing. The description begin with science phenomene in daily life, concept explaination, and some examples on concept application with students’ activity manual, ficture and illustration. The content validity of this teaching materials are valid for science teaching at SMP/MTs. Every theme have percentage content validity between 76% - 79%.


integrated science teaching material, higher order thinking

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