Komparasi Hasil Analisis Butir Soal Literasi Sains Budaya Bali menggunakan Program Berbeda

A. A. Istri Rai Sudiatmika, N.Y. Rustaman, A. Zainul


A comparative study to contrast the results of test items analysis on scientific literacy in the context of Balinese Culture was carried out by using Anates program 4.0 version and Iteman program 3.00 version. A number of students of grade IX of Public Junior High Schools in Bali province was involved as research subjects (n =1648). Using both Anates and Iteman, the study resulted in different results on degree of difficulty, discrimination index, item validity, and instrument reliability, but still in the same category range, except the index of discrimination of two test items. Result difference that is showed by both programe cause of data percentace analysed is different (Anates: 54%; Iteman: 100%). In Anates analysis program the quality of the distractor was detected from the number of distractor. Meanwhile in Iteman analysis program, it was detected from discrimination index for each distractor. Discrimination index can clearly show the quality of the distractors, as it can distinguish the higher and lower groups. A good distractor from the lower group is one with negative discrimination index. The result showed that 35 items that had been developed are good. The instrument reliability of test is high.


komparasi, analisis butir soal, literasi sains, budaya Bali, anates, iteman.

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