Hasil Belajar Permesinan melalui Praktik Survei di Sekolah Menegah Kejuruan (SMK) Negeri di Kota Medan

Keysar Panjaitan


The purpose of this research is to find out the degree of the relationships between: student’s interest in production technic, learning discipline, and the capability in engineering drawing with their learning outcome in machinery practice. The research was conducted at the State Vocational Senior High School (SMK Negeri) in Medan (2005) with a sample of 120 students selected randomly. The results of the analysis indicated, that there are positive relationships between: (1) student’s Interest in production technic and student’s learning outcome in machinery practice; (2) learning discipline and students’ learning outcome in machinery practice; (3) the capability of engineering drawing and students’ learning outcome in machinery practice; Furthermore, there are positive correlation between student’s interest in production technic, learning discipline, and the capability of engineering drawing with their learning outcome in machinery practice simultaneously.


Hasil belajar permesinan melalui praktik, minat terhadap teknik produksi, disiplin belajar dan kemampuan gambar teknik.

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