Process-Audit dalam Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Akademik Jenjang S-1 Bimbingan dan Konseling

Nur Hidayah


This research was based on the Academic phase was aimed at laying the foundation of the basic academic competencies required for prospective counselor that culminated in the award of the certificate in Guidance and Counseling. However, since the enactment of government decree number 27 of 1981 on the restructuring of faculty and departments, and public law number 14 of 2005 on teachers and university lecturers, which stipulate academic qualification were represented by any S-1 certificates, or any D-IV certificates while the teacher competence were nurtured true the professions of curriculum materials (Content-Transmission Paradigm). On the contrary, could only be developed through Competency-based instruction. The detrimental impacts being brought about by the two formal regulations were traced through process audit that were derived from the Countenance Model Stake. This investigation was aimed at discovering the gap between the actual implementation of the academic phase of the S-1 program in Guidance and Counseling (data matrix) vs the standard that were stipulated in the academic position document, titled ABKIN 2007. The findings of this investigation indicated that: (a) The curriculum development was found to be alternately swinging between content-transmission paradigm and competency-based instruction stipulated in the NA: PPPK and (b). Only one LPTK managed to recognized its Nieche. 


pendidikan akademik jenjang S-1, bimbingan dan konseling, process-audit, countenance-model, NA: PPPK

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