Efektivitas Pembelajaran Sains Berbasis Inkuiri dengan Strategi Kooperatif dalam Meningkatkan Keterampilan Berpikir Siswa SMP

Wahab Jufri, Dwi Sulistyo Dj


Science teaching package which is called the Inquiry Based Science Learning (IBSL) had developed in this study. It was applied in combination with cooperative learning strategies that are STAD and TGT. The aim of this study was to investigate the difference of thinking skill between student who learns science with the IBSL combined with STAD and TGT toward that of student who learns only by STAD and TGT with the Non IBSL package (without IBSL). The study was designed as quasi experiment conducted in four classes of 8th grader student in SMPN 2 Mataram. The student samples were as many as 154 students. The result of the study shows that there was a significant difference in thinking skill between the two groups of student favoring the IBSL package. Therefore, it can be concluded that the IBSL package developed in this study has significant effect on development of student thinking skill.


thinking skill, IBSL, STAD, TGT

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