Analisis Interpretasi Elit Pendidikan Indonesia tentang Ideologi Pendidikan Nasional

Karti Soeharto


This article focuses on the interpretation of Indonesian education elites on the education ideology represented in the politics of education which takes the form of National Education System Bill Number 20 Year 2003. It is based on a research which concerned a couple of questions: 1) how did Indonesian education elites interpret the foundation, curriculum and management of national education? 2) is Indonesian ideology of education categorized in O’Neill’s education ideology theory,
and why? The research used two main theories: (1) O’Neill’s education ideology theory and Nelson dialectic theory, and (2) Putnam theory on elite identification. There were ten informants in the research, and the data collected was in the form of statute documents and interview transcripts. Individual analysis unit used human instrument. The data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin model. The research resulted in two main findings. First, based on the interpretation of Indonesian education elites, the foundation, curriculum and management of national education were considered to have the characteristics of both social conservative ideology and liberal ideology. Second, based
on the strategic interpretation and positional cluster of Indonesian educational elites, Indonesian educational ideology could be categorized into conservative ideology, while based on the non strategic interpretation and reputation cluster, the ideology could be included in compromistic liberal ideology.


politik pendidikan, elite pendidikan, ideologi pendidikan konservatif sosial, ideologi pendidikan liberal

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