Hubungan Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dan Kualitas Pelayanan Sekolah dengan Prestasi UASBN SD di Kota Manado

Esther E. Undap Palit


This study was aimed at invetigating the correlation between leadership of school principles and service quality of school with achievement of the nationality standard test elementary school at Manado City, with sample size was 40 taken by proportional random sampling from the population
size was 264 elementary school. The research concludes that there be positive correlation between: (1) the leadership of school principals and the achivement of the nationality standard test elementary school, (2) service quality of school and the achievement of the nationality standard test elementary school, (3) moreover there is a positive correlation between the leadership of school principals, and service quality of school with the achievement of the nationality standard test elementary school. Therefore, based on the result of the study, the achievement of the nationality standard test elementary
school can be improved through the leadership of school principals and service quality of school.


achievement, nationality standard test, school, leadership, service.

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