Pemakaian Lembar Kerja untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menjalankan Program Aplikasi Komputerisasi dan Analisis Data Bisnis

Naswan Suharsono


This research was conducted to know to what extent the student's worksheet as a tool of instruction could improve the competence in solving the financial accounting problems related to the course topic of business transaction and reports. Data was collected in weekly classroom meetings and analyzed by using content analysis, percentage, comparative scores of student's project, and F-test.The results of the study show that cognitive ability grew significantly through learning process and outcome of procedural knowledge of course contents. This ability of computerizing business data would grow by practicing more course topics related to accounting and by working a set of individual learning task. However, how to identify the source effect of learning outcome base on the individual aptitudes of learners still needs more serious investigation in the future.