Prosa Fiksi sebagai Bahan Pembelajaran Apresiasi Sastra di Sekolah Dasar

Abd. Hafid


A prose fiction is one of the topics in Indonesian language teaching in elementary school. The prose fiction is also a work of fiction, story prose, narrative prose and plotted story. The fiction prose is a narration or story played by certain characters using rolling, setting and stages, and also a created chain of story. A fiction prose for children consists of picture books, traditional literature, modern fantasy, contemporary realistic fiction, and history fiction. The elements of the fiction prose consist of characters, chains of story, theme, setting, atmosphere, point of view, and style. To make elementary school students understand texts of fiction prose, the activities may be conducted through listening, reading, watching perfor-mances, playing drama, telling stories, and listening to the stories. Prelearning pro-cedures usually used in literature appreciation are orientating the story, conveying goals and steps of learning, reading text, explaining elements of story, modeling and distributing work sheets. The whilst learning activities are analyzing and des-cribing the content of the story, guiding students to determine the structure of the story, sharing, selecting and documenting. The past activities are adding impor-tant information, showing the results of students' work, making conclusion with students, and directing to further activities.