Keengganan Orang Tua dalam Mengikuti Kegiatan Pelatihan Rehabilitasi Bersumberdaya Masyarakat di YPAC

Usman Duyo


This study aims at describing (1) how parent’s participation in CBR training at YPAC Manado, and (2) why they did not care of CBR training. This study used qualitative case study at a foundation of disabled children with parents as the source of data. The results showed that (1) the parent’s participation in CBR program was low, (2) their willingness to participate in CBR was high, (3) their participation in monitoring was low, and (4) they did not apply the information they obtained at home. The reasons were (1) their participation in the program was not due to their own willingness, (2) the low mastery of the information about an object that bases the parent’s behavior, (3) the parent’s attitude towards the handicapped and their socio-economic status, (4) the low participation of parents was caused by wrong perception about the program, (5) the lack of parent’s knowledge about disabled children and their problems, and (6) the lack of information about the CBR program.


disabled children; CBR program