Pangaruh Metode Pembelajaran dan Motivasi Berprestasi terhadap Hasil Belajar IPS Sejarah di SMP

Sidik Ngurawan


This research aimed at finding out: (1) whether there is a significant difference in achievement of history between the group of students who are taught by using cooperative method and those who are taught by using conventional method in SMP Negeri 6 Manado; (2) whether there is a significant difference in achievement of history between the students who have high motivation to achieve and those who have low motivation to achieve in SMP Negeri 6 Manado; and (3) whether there is interaction between teaching method and students' motivation to achieve in history in SMP Negeri 6 Manado. The results showed that the students who were taught using cooperative method had better achievements than those who were taught using conventional method; students who had higher motivation achieved better than those with lower motivation; and there was no interaction between instructional methods (cooperative and conventional) and motivation to achieve in history subject.


pembelajaran kooperatif; pembelajaran konvensional; motivasi berprestasi; hasil belajar