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Abstract: Titer Profile of Blood Serum Rabbit Anti-TGFβ Induced TGFβ of Culture COC. This research was done to determine  profile of anti-TGFβ isolated from bovine Cumulus Oocyte Complex (COC) culture. The research was conduced on Biochemistry and Biology Molecular laboratory, Faculty of  Mathematics and Natural Science of  Brawijaya University,  Malang. Anti-TGFβ  were produced on  Rabbits (Oryctolagus cunniculus) male that induced by TGFβ isolated from bovine COC culture. The spesificity of anti-TGFβ confirmed by Dot Blot and ELISA. The result of  Dot Blot showed the violet colour gradation that indicated the concentration  anti-TGFβ. Profil of antibody titer anti-TGFβ  measured by ELISA that demonstrate or achieve optimum peak at 52 and 88 days after the first immunization based on the value of Optical Density (OD) 405 nm.The conclusion is that  TGFβ isolated from bovine COC culture induced the production of antibody to TGFβ and its titer optimum  was 1.373.

Abstrak: Profil Titer ANTI-TGFβ  Serum Darah Kelinci yang Diinduksi TGFβ  dari  Kultur  COC. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan profil antibodi isolat TGFβ dari kultur Cumulus Oocyte Complex (COC) sapi. Penelitian dilakukan di Laboratorium Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler FMIPA Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Antibodi  TGFβ yang diproduksi oleh kelinci (Orytologus cunniculus) jantan diinduksi dari isolat TGFβ kultur sel COC sapi. Uji spesifisitas dilakukan dengan metode Dot Blot  dan ELISA. Hasil Dot Blot menunjukkan gradasi warna ungu yang menunjukkan konsentrasi adanya reaksi antigen dan antibodi (TGFβ dan anti- TGFβ). Profil titer anti-TGFβ diukur dengan ELISA menunjukkan mencapai puncak atau optimal pada 52 dan 88 hari setelah imunisasi pertama berdasarkan nilai Optical Density (OD) 405 nm. Kesimpulannya isolasi TGFβ dari kultur COC sapi menginduksi produksi anti- TGFβ dan nilai titer optimum 1,373.