Sofia Ery Rahayu, Fathur Rohman, Hawa Tuarita


Abstract: Predation of Coccinellidae Found in Land centre of  Horticulture to Pests (Aphid) in Batu. The purpose of this research is to determine of Coccinellidae species that were found at agroecosystem in Batu City and the predation of pests. The animal sampling was conducted based on temporal distribution. Animals are identified based on morphological characteristics. The observations of predation power used a member of Coccinellidae species that are commonly found. The animals were not feed for one day and then given 15 or 20 aphids. The results, found consist of 6 species including Coccinella transversalis, Menochiles sexmaculata, Harmonia sedecimnotata, Verania liniata, and Synonicha grandis and one species was not identified to species level but it was coded sp1. Species C. transversalis and M. sexmaculata were found in all vegetable lands. Predation power of M. sexmaculata on aphids has higher tendencys, but both species have the same potential as pest aphid predators.

Abstrak: Kemampuan Predasi Cocconellidae yang Ditemukan Pada Sentra Lahan Sayur di Batu Terhadap Serangan Hama. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui sepesies Coccinellidae yang ditemukan di lahan sayur di Batu dan daya predasinya terhadap hama. Pengambilan sampel hewan dilakukan berdasarkan distribusi temporal. Hewan  diidentifikasi berdasarkan karakter morfologis. Pengamatan daya predasi menggunakan spesies anggota Coccinellidae yang umum ditemukan. Hewan dilaparkan selama satu hari kemudian diberi 15 atau 20 aphids. Data daya predasi dianalisis secara deskriptif dan analisis anava ganda. Hasil penelitian, menemukan 6 spesies meliputi Coccinella transversalis, Menochiles sexmaculata, Harmonia sedecimnotata, Verania liniata dan Synonicha grandis dan satu jenis belum berhasil diidentifikasi sampai tingkat spesies diberi kode Sp1. Spesies C transversalis dan M sexmaculata ditemukan pada semua lahan tanaman sayur. Daya predasi M. sexmaculata terhadap aphids cenderung lebih tinggi dan kedua spesies tersebut berpotensi  sebagai predator hama aphid.