Ahmad Dardiri


The diversification of graduate’s competencies of vocational education and training to enhancing her/his competitiveness. The weakness absorbtion of graduate’s employment, the lack relevancies of the graduate’s competencies by industrial need, and the outnumber of graduate’s job availabilities were the problems of vocational education and training (VET) especially in the Building Technology Education Program. In order to solve these problems, VET’s institutional must carry out: (1) di­versification of graduate’s competencies, (2) enhancing inovations teaching learning process with Total Quality Management (TQM) Based Learning, (3) enhancing coope­ration with industries for learning process, (4) improving curriculum, and      (5) work’s quality culturalism. The implications for educational practice for the head of department are: (1) encourage teachers to innovate TQM-based learning, (2) have to do the diversification of graduates through improved curricula fit the needs of industry, and (3) expanding and strengthening cooperation with business/industry and the Vocational School for internship programs or other innovative programs.

Lemahnya daya serap lulusan, kurang relevannya kompetensi lulusan dengan kebutuhan industri, dan terbatasnya lapangan pekerjaan merupakah persoalan yang dihadapi lembaga pendidikan vokasi khususnya di bidang pendidikan teknik bangunan.  Untuk memecahkan persoalan tersebut diperlukan langkah-langkah (1) diversifikasi kompetensi lulusan, (2) inovasi penerapan model pembelajaran berbasis Total Quality Management (TQM), (3) penguatan kerjasama  pembelajaran dengan dunia industri,  (4) restrukturisasi kurikulum, dan (5) rekulturisasi dari budaya tradisonal ke budaya mutu. Implikasinya bagi praktik pendidikan adalah ketua jurusan (1) mendorong dosen melakukan inovasi pembelajaran berbasis TQM; (2) melakukan diversivikasi kompe­tensi lulusan melalui perbaikan kurikulum sesuai kebutuhan industri; dan (3) mem­perluas dan memperkuat jaringan kerjasama dengan dunia usaha/industri dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan  untuk program magang atau progam inovatif lainnya.


diversifikasi; kompetensi; pembelajaran; TQM; kerja sama

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17977/tk.v34i1.3023

Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2477-0442 (online)
Email: teknologikejuruan.ft@um.ac.id

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