Pengaruh Suhu dan Lama Perkecambahan Biji Kacang Tunggak Terhadap Mutu Kimia dan Nutrisi Tepung yang Dihasilkan

Titi Mutiara K. and Misbah Ruhiyat


The development of tunggal nuts powder as new food ingredients can be utilized for various kinds of cookies. This research sets out to identify the duration time and temperature needed for seeding the tunggak nuts in powder making. The designed seeding processes can increase the nutritious and absorption rate of food. Some important factors impacting type and acceleration of nutritious component changes during seeding process are temperature and duration time. The experiment is designed by using Complete Random Factorial with two favtors as: seeding temperature (3 levels) and seeding duration (4 levels). Each process is repeated three times. The results show that at 35 0 C temperature and 36 hours seeding gives best quality powder with composition: 27.23% proteine, 74.79% absorption rate, 8.99% of sugar reduction, 1.41% fat, and 140.98 mg FFA KOH / 100 gr of sample.


Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2477-0442 (online)

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