Prototipe Pembangkit Listrik Tenga Angin Jenis Kincir Sumbu Horizontal Tipe Multibalde 8 Sudu

Fitri Imansyah


Basically, wind energy-induced electrical generator works with coverting the wind energy into kinetic energy, and by using generator, it is coverted become electrical power. In gaining the alectrical power generated from wind energy, there are some problems due to the designing of mill's components enabling the mill to generate desired electrical power. This wind energy-induced electrical generator utilizes horizontal-axis mill type ‘multiblade' 8 blades. The bladres rotate through win direction with direct current generator and transmission . The energy capacity produced from this electrical generator is around 300 W DC, 12 V at 5m/s wind velocity, using controlled system of electrical distribution flow and storing process in accumulator.


Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2477-0442 (online)

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