Waras Kamdi


Perfomance of Vocational School Teachers: Analysis on Teaching Work­load and Teaching Characteristics. The present study aims at describing vocational school teachers’ workload as measured from time on task, and teaching characteristics. For the purpose, the present study employs a survey in which a number of 155 teachers of 15 sampled vocational schools from 6 regions in East Java were drawn as the sample utilizing multi-stage sampling. Several points as follows are observed. First, vocatio­nal school teachers’ workload is greater than that of national standard of civil servants’ workload with a total ratio of 56.02:40.00 hours per week. Next, the average of their weekly credit hour, figures at 24.74 hours, greater than 24 hours as the national stan­dard. Thirdly, learning resources at voca­tional schools are dominated by electronic textbooks 89.03%, several of which are teacher-made modules 34.84%, and teacher-made job sheets 98.06%. Finally, most teachers 81.29% are used to group work assignment; however, 91.62% of the teachers claimed that they could not deliver their instruction without having a conventional class.


Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan beban kerja guru yang diukur ber­dasarkan time on task dan karakteristik pembelajaran. Responden berjumlah 155 guru, yang berasal dari 15 SMK Negeri dari 6 kota/ka­bu­paten di Jawa Timur yang diambil secara multi stage sampling. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket dan wawancara, dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) rerata beban kerja guru SMK 56,02 jam per minggu lebih tinggi daripada yang ditetapkan pemerin­tah mak­si­mum 40 jam per minggu; (2) rerata jam pelajaran tatap muka guru SMK 24,74, sedikit lebih tinggi dibanding ketentuan pemerintah 24 jam pelajaran; (3) sumber belajar di SMK didominasi buku teks elektronik 89,03%, di antaranya dilengkapi modul buatan guru 34,84% dan 98,06% guru telah menggunakan job sheet; dan (4) se­banyak  81,29% guru  telah menggunakan kelompok-kelompok kecil sebagai variasi strategi pengelolaan kelas, namun 91,62% guru mengaku tidak bisa meninggalkan bentuk klasikal utuh.


beban kerja guru; karakteristik pembel

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Jurnal Teknologi, Kejuruan, dan Pengajarannya
ISSN 2477-0442 (online)

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