Sumbangan Nilai UAN, Nilai Penjaluran, dan Tanggapan Mahasiswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar Mahasiswa Pendidikan Ekonomi

Jusuf Kasrori


The aim of the research is to reveal the effects of scores in National Final Test (UAN) and placement test, and students' responses to their learning achievement (GPA), both at the departmental and study program level. Taken into the pool of the research subjects were 136 students registering in the 2002/2003 academic year at the Department of Economics, State University of Surabaya. Analysis of the results shows that the effect of the independent variables, X1 (scores of UAN), X2 (scores of placement test) and X3 (students' responses), altogether on Y (students' learning achievement or GPA) in the Study Program of Economics Education is strong (R2y.x1x2x3 = .866); Accountancy Education is extremely strong (R2y.x1x2x3 = .987); Commercial Education is extremely strong (R2y.x1x2x3 = .942); Cooperative Economics Education is strong (R2y.x1x2x3 = .754); Office Administration Education is extremely strong (R2y.x1x2x3 = .996). The behavior of the independent variables can be presented as follows. In the Economic Department, the most dominant is placement test (ß1 = .428), the second is UAN (ß2 = .376), the third is students' response (ß3 = .222). In the Accountancy Education Study Program, the most dominant variable is placement test (ß1 = .908), the second is students' response ((ß2 = .054), the third is UAN (ß3 = .053). In the Commercial Education Study Program, the most dominant variable is placement test (ß1 = .403), the second is UAN (ß2 = .332), the third is students' response (ß3 = .302). In Cooperative Economics Study Program, the most dominant variable is UAN (ß1 = .810), the second is placement test (ß2 = .382), the third is students' response (ß3 = -.382). In the Office Administration Study Program, the most dominant variable is UAN (ß1 = .974), the second is students' response (ß2 = .033), and the third is placement test (ß3 = .004).


nilai UAN; nilai penjaluran; tanggapan mahasiswa; hasil belajar

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