Kemauan dan kemampuan Bertanya Sebagai Ciri Daya Kreativitas Dalam Hubungan Dengan Iklim Belajar Mengajar

B. Agung Hartono, Sri Suwarni Badri, Suradi S.A., M. Th. Sri Hartati


The will to ask questions and the ability to formulate the questions are two features of creativeness which might be related to the teaching-learning climate and the pattern of how the children are brought up within the family. The sample comprisses 401 students, 401 parents and 9 teachers. From the analysis it is evident that the will to ask actual-verbal questions is low, though the will to ask is potentially high. There are low correlations between the teaching-learning climate and the will to ask questions, between the pattern of how they are brought up by parents and the will to ask questions, as well as between the will to ask and the ability to formulate the questions.

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